Davidson Violette - Business Technology Solutions

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Marketers are Leveraging Video Conferencing to Drive Efficiency. Here's How

Source: Forbes

During the early days of the pandemic, I recall how many articles there were about how “working from home” was undesirable (see here for an example on how most dislike working from home). At the time, I tended to think that it was much more of a mixed bag and I predicted that as soon as everybody was forced back into the office, the tremendous efficiencies built into remote work (e.g., less commuting time) would start to take center stage as many realized that remote work was not all bad.

To get a better understanding of how marketers are leveraging video conferencing to drive efficiencies, I turned to John Knightly, the CMO of Bluejeans. Below are his insights.

Kimberly Whitler: What are some of the significant ways you have seen marketers—and others—use this to drive efficiency? Any data you can share?

John Knightly: We’re seeing B2B marketers increasingly use video conferencing for events – like analyst and press conferences, product launches, user conferences and customer advisory board meetings – and taking them virtual. The video event is immediately accessible to people who otherwise might not be able to spare the time or travel budget to fly. Now with modern tools—polling, Q&A, chat and promoting audience members to video—virtual events can be quite interactive as well as efficient. We saw a 300% increase in the number of video events and webinars on our platform in 2020 versus 2019 and are on pace to deliver even more virtual events in 2021 – indicating virtual events are here to stay.

Whitler: The same thing can happen with effectiveness. For example, as a professor who shifted from in-class to a virtual world last year, I found that there are many areas where learning can be enhanced via the virtual model (e.g., people remotely working on a shared document during a class breakout session that all can see). What are some of the ways in which marketers can leverage video conferencing to drive effectiveness?

Knightly: Marketers can improve effectiveness of creative processes using video conferencing because it is both a visual and auditory communications medium. For example collaborating with an advertising agency about video or graphical content over video conferencing allows the creatives to share their work and gauge its impact through their client’s facial and verbal reactions – without waiting for the next time they can get on airplanes and fly to a face-to-face meeting. Marketers using video webinars can instantly generate polls and track audience reactions within an event and use that information in real-time to improve the effectiveness of the event, raising engagement and generating more qualified leads. In fact, a recent Forrester survey found that 53% of marketers surveyed agreed that they could achieve better event analytics from virtual events vs physical events.